13 Followers! YES!

I’ve just hit my lucky number of followers – thirteen! Thank you all!

I thought I’d post links to their blogs real quick before I log off, as a way of showing my appreciation. I hope you all don’t mind, and I encourage anyone else reading to go check out their blogs! They’ve got some really great stuff!


2. Respect the Blankie

3. Just a Man and His Thoughts

4. The Vision of Poets

5. Above N Beyond PTSD

6. AnonymousOutsider

7. bipolartohappiness

8. Eric’s Blog

9. blabberwockying!

10. WeHaveApples


12. Random thoughts of a reformed paramour

And, finally, number thirteen, The Shameful Sheep.

Thank you all for following my blog! You all get extra cookies*.

*Aforementioned extra cookies are imaginary, but full of real appreciation

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